2020 (@SKKU)
- 20.12 One paper got accepted to IEEE GRSL! Congratulations Donggyu Lee and Hyeongmin Park.
- 20.9 One paper got accepted to NeurIPS 2020! Congratulations Sangwon Jung, Hongjoon Ahn, and Sungmin Cha!
- 20.8 Taesup gave a talk at AI KOREA ‘20
- 20.8 Taesup gave a talk at KCCV ‘20.
- 20.7 Taesup gave a talk at SAIT.
- 20.7 Taesup is co-organizing a workshop (XXAI: Extending Explainable AI Beyond Deep Models and Classifiers) in ICML 2020.
- 20.6 One paper (in collaboration with Hsaing Hsu and Flavio Calmon) got accepted to ICML 2020 Workshop on LifelongML! Congratulations Sungmin Cha!
- 20.6 One paper got accepted to IEEE Signal Processing Letters! Congratulations Jaeseok Byun!
- 20.5 Taesup is giving a talk at Harvard SEAS EE Seminar.
- 20.5 One paper got accepted to UAI 2020! Congratulations Hongjoon Ahn!
- 20.4 Two papers got accepted to CVPR 2020 Workshop on Continual Learning in Computer Vision! Congrats to Hongjoon, Sangwon, and Sungmin!
- 20.3 Our first collaboration paper with Cocoan Lab@SKKU was published in Nature Protocols!
- 20.3 Juyeon and Sunghwan are visiting TU Berlin (Prof. Klaus-Robert Müller lab) for six months (20.3~20.8)!
- 20.2 Taesup gave a talk at Stanford IT Forum!
- 20.2 Sungmin received the First Prize award for the Superior Research in SKKU ICC. Congrats!
- 20.2 Donggyu and Hongjoon are visiting Harvard SEAS for one month (20.2~20.3)!
- 20.2 Sungmin and Tae-Eon are visiting Harvard SEAS for six months (20.2~20.7)!
- 20.1 One paper got accepted to AISTATS 2020! Congratulations Tae Eon Park!
- 20.1~20.8 Taesup is visiting Prof. Flavio Calmon at Harvard SEAS as a visiting scholar (sabbatical leave).
- 19.12. Our lab was featured in SKKU Webzine!
- 19.12. Jihwan Kwak (BS intern) received the prestigious SKKU President’s List award! Congratulations!
- Our NeurIPS papers were featured in Joong Ang-Ilbo article!
- Our work on PM2.5 estimation has been featured in Joong Ang-Ilbo article!